Mandalorian Jetpack - 可下載模板
Mandalorian Jetpack - 可下載模板
Templates are very good quality easier than just a lined drawing. I just printed and stuck the A4 to my card in the direction on the templates cut it out and formed pretty good
Great, easy to use, fun stuff
My sixth grader and I downloaded two of the templates to make a bo katan kryze Halloween costume. It was awesome! Quite straightforward and yet very high quality...brilliant work!
pretty good
Overall great. Only two small snipes.. 1 - The templates would be better as printed lines rather than photos as it would make them much more precise. 2 - the tutorial was great but it was a little annoying that more than 2 thirds of the video only on the using of the templates and the shoulders and the last 5 minutes on the chest and legs. I appreciated that there was a more detailed tutorial listed but was dissapointed that it was behind a paid subscription, especially when I had already paid for a total of 4 templates... Apart from this I can honestly say I would gladly recomend these to anyone
Mandalorian Armor Template
My fingers are still feeling the pain from using the xacto knife, but armor, helmet, and blaster turned out great. I won the Halloween contest I made them for. :-)